Inexpensive Tips for Adding Fall Décor to Your Home

I’m fortunate enough to live in a state where we actually get to experience all four seasons. We’re now in my favorite season, which is fall. There’s just something about the crisp air, smells of apples and cinnamon, and colors of changing leaves and pumpkins. One thing I would love to do is decorate for every holiday and season, but it’s expensive. Over the years, I’ve made it a goal to pick up items that are discounted either before or after the season. This has taken awhile, but overtime, I’ve been able to collect some pieces I really enjoy.

One of my newest finds (for free) was a skinny tree for my foyer. I love these trees, and I’ve decided to splurge a little bit on some decorations for this to complete my fall look at home. I completed this whole project for under $60, and my items came from Target and Michael’s, but I bought them while they were discounted.

The first thing I needed to do was give the tree some TLC. Because it was free, it was in a bit of rough shape. I swept out the dust and fluffed the branches. Once I finished that, I added some orange lights. Notice the plates in the background of my first picture. We’ve had those since we got married, so I decided after 13 years, it was time to get rid of them. I’m not sure if I will reuse them in the house or donate them. I think they’re dated, but I like the colors!

Before some TLC
Tree with added lights

My whole inspiration for this tree was the garland I spotted at the store. I thought it was so earthy and unique, so I knew I needed to have it.

After picking out that garland, I matched it with some plaid ribbon. Then I found these adorable woodsy critter ornaments. I already purchased some of the bigger critters that matched before, so I had to add some to the tree to tie it all together.

To add a little more interest to the tree, I purchased white and pink artificial flowers. I cut them apart and stuck them in the tree. This tied in the ribbon a little bit more by adding a splash of pink to the tree.

For the final touch, I made a pumpkin bow for the top of the tree. This ribbon had all of the colors I was incorporating throughout the tree, so I thought it would be a cute little addition for the season.

I love the warm look it gives our main entrance when it’s evening. I think it goes perfectly with the warm feeling I get by the fire on a cold autumn night.

I am including pictures of my mantle and our foyer table to show how I have added decorations over the years. I try to get pieces that will go together with similar colors so no matter when I purchase them, the new decorations will tie in with the old. I also add my kids’ crafts throughout the house, too.

If you’re wanting to add some holiday or seasonal décor to your house but are having a hard time coming up with the money to do so (it can be expensive!), then keep an eye out for pre and post season sales. You can grab some really great items for a quarter or half of the regular price. You just have to be a little bit patient, and it’ll pay off!