15 Benefits of Owning an Amazon Alexa

Note: I do not get endorsed for this product. I just want to share how it has helped us! I was super skeptical to get an Amazon Alexa at first because I don’t fully trust who’s listening in on us, and to be honest, I still wonder how secure it is. At the end of […]

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19 Free and Entertaining Family Activities

In my last blog, I mentioned that I’d be sharing family activities with you. One thing I have a ton of pride in is my family. My husband and I have worked our tails off to get where we are today. I was just reflecting on some horrible times in our life, realizing that I […]

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9 Examples that Prove Schedules and Routines Equal Success

Schedules. Routines. I can’t live without them. I literally schedule everything, including our family meals for the week. Think back to when you were a child or look at how your kids’ schooling was (pre-pandemic). There’s a reason things are regimented. We are productive if we have a plan. Our minds and bodies crave structure. […]

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9 Simple Tips to Stay Married to a Police Officer

If you’re reading this blog, I’m assuming you’re dating, engaged to, or married to a police officer. Statistically, police officers have higher divorce rates than most other professions. I’ve been married to my husband for 12 years, and he literally came home from the police academy for our wedding. He was late to our Friday […]

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When we’ve been betrayed or hurt by someone, we want to hear that person tell us they’re “sorry.” The typical response from people when they’re given an apology is, “It’s ok.” But is it? Is it ok that someone did something to hurt us, whether it was intentional or not? Instead of saying, “It’s ok” […]

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We Owe It to Others to Care for Ourselves

We all know the typical clichés about filling your cup, using the oxygen mask first when the plane’s going down, and filling our tank before we run on fumes. Albeit cliché, there’s a reason for these phrases. We owe it to others to give the best care to ourselves so we can give others the […]

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