5 Simple Steps to Reach Your Goals

Goal setting is so important because it keeps us focused on what we want to accomplish. Setting a goal does not have to be complicated, though. The phrase “goal setting” can be overwhelming because too often people set goals that are too lofty. I like to stick to five basic principles when I set goals.  […]

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2023 Business Update

We’re kicking off year three of my business journey, and it’s been quite the road to travel. I initially started this business in order to help people be more organized and productive within their home. I chose my business name because our products are unique to each person, but we utilize our craftiness to solve […]

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How Do You Do It All?

*This is the blog I was going to post the night I found out I would no longer have a house cleaner that I mentioned in last week’s blog. I’ve made edits to explain how we’ll be dealing with that change. So I often get asked, “How do you do it all?” and I just […]

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Overwhelmed by Stress

Life’s sense of humor can slap you right in the ol’ kisser sometimes. Last week I wrote a blog about some non-negotiable things in my life to help me stay on track because we can’t do it all. One of these items was our house cleaner. For the past ten years, I’ve relied on our […]

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Weight Loss Journey Update – Month 2

You’d think with February being the shortest month of the year, it’d be the easiest to handle with weight loss. Instead of rocking life, this is the time of year that is killer at work. February is after the holidays where things are insanely busy and time flies. When we come back in January, all […]

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Weight Loss Journey Update – Month 1

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. In my New Year’s Blog, I promised I would make my weight loss journey public so I could be held accountable to my system. As I explained in my blog, weight loss is where I can’t seem to follow my own advice. I’m happy to report […]

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