4 Tips for Weekly Meal Planning

I don’t know about you, but it seems like as soon as my kids were able to talk, the question I got most was, “Mama, what’s for dinner?” In order to communicate our weekly dinner plans with my whole family, I created a menu board to display the weekly meals. I realized, however, that not […]

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Worth the Wait

I am currently typing this on my phone while soaking in a much-needed bubble bath. I had a week of all weeks, but sadly, I’ve been saying that since 2020. The reason I can continue having these weeks is because I come home to an amazing support system. As I write this, my daughter and […]

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Include To-Dos in Your Daily Planner

As many of you know, my husband works second shift, so that leaves me with running the kids to activities, monitoring homework, cooking dinner, attempting to run a business, and sometimes just surviving throughout the week. Because of this, I have to know exactly what’s going on every minute of my day. How do I […]

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Here’s My Crazy

We’re quarantined due to COVID, so here we are stuck in our house…again. This time, though, the rest of the world is milling about, and we can’t even run to the store to pick up a few items. So what does that mean for me? I reassess my house, look at projects that have been […]

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No Matter How Old We Are

I just sang my seven year old boy to sleep for the last time last night. Eight. My baby boy is eight today. Since he was born, I have sung “Godspeed (Sweet Dreams)” to him, rocking him when he’s sad, tired, or just rubbing my face with his tiny hand. My favorite line is, “My […]

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5 Steps that Simplify Preparing for Camping Trips

We’re ready to take our camper “Cherokee Jack” on his 2021 maiden voyage. Below are some steps that we take in order to make our camping trips smooth and low maintenance. 1. Prepping Beds We make the beds ahead of time, making sure all of the bedding is washed before we leave. The kids have […]

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