8 Family-Friendly Board Games

A family that plays together stays together. My family and I love game night. Whether we’re camping, at home on the weekends with no plans, or having friends over, we enjoy friendly competition. Below are a few of our favorites that are appropriate for most ages. Phase 10 Phase 10 takes me back to my […]

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How to Get Family to Help with Chores

I recently polled my Facebook group about what they struggle with the most at home. Meal planning was #1, and getting family to help around the house was #2. Since I’ve already blogged about meal planning, which you can find here, I thought it’d be appropriate to focus this week’s blog on managing the household.  […]

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Camping Essentials that Make Your Family’s Trip Excellent

If you are looking for camping items that will make your family’s trip excellent, check out this blog. We went camping with multiple families for the first time, and it was really interesting to see others’ setups and their must-haves. Tommy Guns and I do a ton of research before buying items, and we have […]

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How Do You Do It All?

*This is the blog I was going to post the night I found out I would no longer have a house cleaner that I mentioned in last week’s blog. I’ve made edits to explain how we’ll be dealing with that change. So I often get asked, “How do you do it all?” and I just […]

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Overwhelmed by Stress

Life’s sense of humor can slap you right in the ol’ kisser sometimes. Last week I wrote a blog about some non-negotiable things in my life to help me stay on track because we can’t do it all. One of these items was our house cleaner. For the past ten years, I’ve relied on our […]

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Organize Kids’ Toys

No matter what season your kids are in, they have toys, electronics, bags, or clothes that seem to take over all the adult space in the house. The key to keeping this from happening is to work with your children on a system that will work for them so they can take ownership of keeping […]

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