Worth the Wait

I am currently typing this on my phone while soaking in a much-needed bubble bath. I had a week of all weeks, but sadly, I’ve been saying that since 2020. The reason I can continue having these weeks is because I come home to an amazing support system. As I write this, my daughter and […]

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Tunnel Blindness

In the past several months, I have faced many disappointments. I’m not talking the regular everyday type. I’m looking down the barrel of disappointments that shook up my world in ways that caused exorbitant amounts of tears, heartbreak, and questioning. I’m in an extremely unusual time in my life where I have to make decisions […]

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The Perfect Party Pumpkin Dip for Under $10.00

When I’m invited to a party, my biggest concern is, “What should I take?” My go-to dishes are dips or cheese/cracker trays. Here’s why: they’re easy, quick, and pretty inexpensive to make.  I went to a party this weekend and took one of my favorite dips, especially for fall: Perfect Party Pumpkin Dip. You can […]

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19 Free and Entertaining Family Activities

In my last blog, I mentioned that I’d be sharing family activities with you. One thing I have a ton of pride in is my family. My husband and I have worked our tails off to get where we are today. I was just reflecting on some horrible times in our life, realizing that I […]

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