
When we’ve been betrayed or hurt by someone, we want to hear that person tell us they’re “sorry.” The typical response from people when they’re given an apology is, “It’s ok.” But is it? Is it ok that someone did something to hurt us, whether it was intentional or not? Instead of saying, “It’s ok” […]

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11 Inexpensive Ways to Give a Room a Makeover

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been staring at the same walls since March 2020. I take quarantining very seriously, and the only places I really go are work and my house. I try to change up my surroundings by hanging out in the living room and then venturing into my craft room. I’m […]

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We Owe It to Others to Care for Ourselves

We all know the typical clichés about filling your cup, using the oxygen mask first when the plane’s going down, and filling our tank before we run on fumes. Albeit cliché, there’s a reason for these phrases. We owe it to others to give the best care to ourselves so we can give others the […]

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10 Easy Steps that Give New Life to Old Furniture

Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. There’s nothing better than scoring amazing pieces of furniture for FREE!! When I saw these drawers, it was my crafty self’s dream come true! I saw so much potential in these babies, and I’ll show you step by step how I achieved my finished product.  […]

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The Crafty B Company

I used to go door to door selling handmade potholders and bracelets at the young age of 9. I even spent $20 on business cards at a mall kiosk because I had a dream of entrepreneurship early in my life. I did not go into business, though. Perhaps it was the fear of the unknown. […]

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