How to Successfully Manage Family Calendars

Although every season has its craziness, I’m pretty sure our busiest time of year is spring because our daughter is on not one, not two, but three different softball teams. This is a first for us this year because she typically plays rec and travel ball. Now she’s in junior high and will play for the school, too. How do we manage all of her practices and games, while still getting her to dance and piano, and her brother to martial arts and wrestling, while still keeping everyone alive? Read on to learn how keeping a family calendar keeps us all on track. 

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Why I Leave Texts Unread

Well, it finally happened after 12 years of motherhood. I missed an important event for one of my children. I can honestly say this has never happened before, and the feeling is terrible. This blog will talk about how to prevent this from happening and why it’s ok to put people’s messages on hold and […]

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How to stop yelling

How to Stop Yelling

My husband is amazing at a million things, but it never fails when the kids or I open the dryer when we’re doing our laundry that his is sitting in there as a wrinkled mess because he forgets to complete it almost every time. Seeing as how laundry is one of my least favorite chores, […]

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Cheers to 15 Years

The 15th anniversary gift is crystal, a delicate glass that goes through intricate steps to become a beautiful piece. When dropped, it shatters. When put together, it rings a glorious tone. We don’t do the traditional celebrations, but I can remember the clinking of our crystal champagne flutes like it was yesterday. Ringing in the […]

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How to Get the Whole Family to Help Around the House

Have you tried to delegate household tasks to your family but never seem to have much success? Family Meetings are a game changer and will help you work together as a unit, communicate better with one another, and create solutions to problems as they arise. What is a Family Meeting? Family meeting are just what […]

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How to Improve Your Marriage

Have you ever worked for a boss you couldn’t stand? Were you willing to go out of your way for them or did you resent them for how they treated you or for their unrealistic expectations? Running a household is like being a boss or CEO. A good boss can’t do everything without delegating tasks, […]

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