Weight Loss Journey Update – Month 1

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In my New Year’s Blog, I promised I would make my weight loss journey public so I could be held accountable to my system. As I explained in my blog, weight loss is where I can’t seem to follow my own advice. I’m happy to report I am down 5.6 pounds from January 1!

I have failed a few times this month, specifically with my workouts. I just seem to be so burned out at night that the last thing I want to do is work out. Because I recognized this, I’ve adapted my schedule and now wake up earlier to work out first thing in the morning. By doing this, I have been more consistent because I have the energy when I wake up. When I realized I wasn’t staying with my goal of working out four days a week, I didn’t quit. I recognized my failure and made a change. I also celebrated my success of following Weight Watchers very closely. Of course I had days where I blew all of my points and had no weeklies left, but I reset the following day or week and told myself it’s a new start. 

5.6 pounds is nothing to scoff at, but for me, when I look in the mirror, I don’t think I see any results. What I have noticed though is that I’m losing weight where you don’t necessarily notice it. For instance, my back by my shoulder blades is shrinking. My pants fit a little better around my waist. I’d love to notice thinner legs, but at this time, I must be patient and realize that this weight didn’t arrive over one month, and it will slowly melt away as I keep pushing. 

I have been so successful with WW because I’ve stuck to my routine of pre-planning meals and getting my lunches prepared ahead of time. By knowing what the point values are for each meal, I set myself up for success. Sometimes I’m so busy at work that I don’t even get to eat the food I packed, so I get a surprise of a few more points that day that can be used for dinner or rolled over for the weekend. 

Another huge change I’ve made is cutting out wine. I used to enjoy a glass of wine almost nightly, but I am reserving my wine points for the weekends only. By making this change, I wake up easier and feel more awake during the week. Studies show that even a glass of wine at 5 PM can hinder your sleep. I’ve definitely noticed a change for the better with my rest. A natural consequence of this new habit is then I can wake up feeling ready to work out. 

I try to only weigh myself on Sundays because that gives me a week to see new results. I use this scale because it programs both my and my husband’s settings. It remembers my last weigh in and shows positives and negatives from my last weigh in. It also links to my Weight Watchers app or you can track your weight through other apps. 

My final secret to success is what I snack on. When I sit down at night after the exhaustion of finishing the day has set in, I enjoy watching a show and having a snack. I used to eat things that were horrible for me like cheese and crackers, chips and dip, or even ice cream. I purchased this popcorn popper, and I can have freshly popped popcorn for zero points! I drizzle a tiny bit of olive oil on it and add some black pepper and ground rosemary. Sometimes I add some garlic salt, old bay seasoning, or cayenne pepper. I slowly eat one piece at a time, and it has been a healthy way for me to enjoy a snack at the end of the day without feeling guilty! Also, when I’m at work and need something sweet, I turn to one of two things: flavored water or Benton’s chocolate chip cookie thins. If I’m being honest about my weight loss journey, I have to admit that there are some days that I just need to have something sweet. My friend introduced me to these chocolate chip cookie thins, and I can have two for only 2 points! Two cookies give me just enough sweetness, and they’re crispy and satisfying (as my son and nephew would say)! If it’s not chocolate I’m looking for, I grab a flavored water. Spindrift is my favorite because it has water and real fruit juice instead of “natural flavors” that I don’t really know what those are. The fizz makes me feel like I’m drinking a soda, but the treat is 0 points.

If you’re still struggling with getting on track with a routine, don’t give up. Like I said, I have had some days that I’ve completely failed, but when I get tiny wins, I focus on them, and they soon become big wins. Patience is a virtue…good things come to those who wait…stay patient and trust the journey…  You’ve heard all of these phrases before, and as annoying as they may be when you’re struggling, they do remind us that great things take time. Keep up the good work, and if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.