Worth the Wait

I am currently typing this on my phone while soaking in a much-needed bubble bath. I had a week of all weeks, but sadly, I’ve been saying that since 2020. The reason I can continue having these weeks is because I come home to an amazing support system. As I write this, my daughter and husband are making dinner and dessert from scratch, playing Bob Dylan loudly over the speakers, and filling the house with their chatter and laughter. 

My heart reaches its full loving capacity when I see how my daughter looks up to my husband. And this isn’t because he’s her father. It’s because he’s her Daddy. He’s the one who taught her how to hunt and respect the animal’s life and only eat what we kill as a source of survival. He’s the one who taught her hard work and sacrifice, letting her know his disappointment if she doesn’t try her best but loving her wholly if she tries so hard and fails. He’s the one who has taught her integrity. Lying is never an option, and if and when they do, trust will need to be earned back. He’s the one who holds her in his arms when she wants to snuggle with the person who makes her feel the safest. He’s the one who explains why we take care of each other by sharing valuable lessons from his work. He’s the one who teaches her how to respectfully disagree by hearing both sides and accepting blame when it’s his to own or calling out his wife calmly when it’s hers. He’s the one who shows her that there are amazing men in this world who will love their wives and family to the fullest extent possible and beyond because he does that every single day. 

My daughter has an example of what to wait for when she gets older. She knows not to settle for anything less than the best. She knows a man can do chores and housework while still being the man of the house and respecting his wife’s independence and leadership. She knows there are men who hug and kiss their wives daily because they are so much in love, and it’s ok for the kids to witness their happiness. She knows there are men out there who will take the bag off of her heavy shoulders after a seemingly endless day and tell her to take a nap because he’s got it covered. She knows her heart can be completed by a man because hers already has been. 

My days have been horrible, but when I come home to a clean house, projects crossed off of our to-do list, and dinner in the crock-pot, I can take a breath and remember that these pains and struggles are only temporary, but the family and life we’ve built and continue to support are forever. Nothing can take away this sound of love and laughter right now or ever. And I’ll be sure to continue reminding my sweet daughter he’s worth the wait, just as I was able to have the same gift when I was young.