How to Reduce Stress and Overwhelm

Are you overwhelmed and exhausted because you feel like you’re the only one in your household who is carrying the mental and physical loads? Do you often wish your husband and kids would contribute to chores? Are you fighting with and yelling at your family more than enjoying your time together? It’s not too late the fix these concerns, and you can do this easily with the help of my services.

I’m Breanne, the owner of The Crafty B Company, where we create beauty and order in a chaotic world. I became a Productivity Consultant because I used to experience all of the frustrations, stress, and emotional baggage from the aforementioned scenarios. I am a working mom, and my husband and I had extremely trying jobs. I was a middle school principal, and he is a police officer who has worked every shift possible. When we had a not even one year old and a two year old, I was working an extremely demanding job that was 50 minutes away, and he was on 3rd shift. It didn’t take long before we knew our situation was going to break us. We were living such a chaotic life, and both of us were extremely exhausted, taking out our frustrations on each other. We knew we had to make a change, so we created systems and products to improve our lives and marriage. I created this business to help others who are in the same situation.

I currently work as an educational consultant and have over 17 years of experience in education. I was a high school English teacher for eight years and a middle school principal for nine years. I recently made a career switch to train teachers and administrators on Autism and MTSS. My husband has over 15 years of law enforcement experience and six years in the military. He is a supervisor at his job and helps me make our products. We’ve been married for 15 years and have a 9 year old son and a 12 year old daughter. Both of our kids are extremely busy, so our weekends and evenings are jam packed, but we work together to get everything done around the house. We also have learned ways to make these tasks fun and enjoyable while completing them as a team.

Because of my background, I have experience working with kids from ages 5-18, adults, and families. I understand the need for organization and systems in order to have a clear mind and successful lifestyle. I am an expert in behavior, trauma, executive functioning, neurodivergent individuals (such as those with ADHD and autism), and can teach systems that will improve the chaos in your household.

We make our own products that have helped us survive. I offer one-on-one consultation and can work with the whole family on endless needs from study skills to doing laundry to getting along better as a family. Everything we do together is confidential, and there is no judgment whatsoever. Our services are personalized and can be customized to fit your specific needs.

If you choose to join our busy hive, you’ll learn about meal planning, family meetings, the necessities of dating your husband, managing chores, organizing your home, planning and maintaining calendars, and so much more.

If you’re interested in one-to-one consulting, you can contact me or join our Crafty B community on facebook, youtube, and tiktok.