2023 Business Update

We’re kicking off year three of my business journey, and it’s been quite the road to travel. I initially started this business in order to help people be more organized and productive within their home. I chose my business name because our products are unique to each person, but we utilize our craftiness to solve our clients’ trouble areas. When you have the word “crafty” in your business name, though, people just automatically assume you make the same things you see other crafters making on social media or at craft fairs. There’s nothing wrong with those products, and there are very talented individuals out there, but I didn’t want to be like everyone else.

Unfortunately, when I was just starting out, I was asked more about making trendy products, so in order to make some profits, I made them. I continued to try to steer away from this, but I kept getting jolted back into the wrong lane. I’ve researched the heck out of good business practices over the past two years, and I’m ready to accelerate my business, but this time in the right direction.

The Crafty B Company creates beauty and order in a chaotic world. Yes, beautiful crafts can spruce up a room, but my products have purpose. I’m here to help solve problems. So, hop in and let’s take the express lane around the scenic route to help you better understand what we do.

I’m a productivity and design consultant. I can work with you virtually or in-person. I am not a professional organizer because I help you and your family with creating and maintaining systems and procedures instead of cleaning up physical clutter. I do, however, assist with smaller decluttering tasks in order to get you where you need to be to start these systematic changes. I design products specifically to help my clients. These may be digital downloads of calendars, to-do lists, or menu boards. These may also be physical products built specifically for a client’s home to help with family storage, posting kids’ art work, or a command center for the whole family.

I work with everyone in the family unit because productivity can’t be one person’s job. There may be a CEO of the family, but any good organization is able to delegate tasks and responsibilities to all of the members in order to be successful. That’s what I help with. I have over 17 years of experience working with children of all ages and cognitive functions. I led teams for over 8 years, focusing on teamwork and goal setting. Confidentiality is my middle name. There is absolutely no judgment on my end either. I’ve seen families and staff at their worst, and that’s when I thrive to support and guide them to overcome their struggle.

I understand that systems and procedures are fluid and must change with each season of life. Together, we reflect on current practices, and we’re flexible when things need to be tweaked. I will sit down with you and your family to set goals, teach how to reach these goals through actionable steps, and assess glows and grows throughout the process. During our time together, I will create necessary products to reach your goals, will support you the entire step of the way, and will celebrate all of your success.

I know how hard it is to ask for help. Take that first step with me, and I’ll guide you the rest of the way. Trust me, and we’ll create beauty and order in your chaotic world. You’ll be so glad you did.

Check out our products and services, and contact me with any questions or to learn more!