19 Free and Entertaining Family Activities

In my last blog, I mentioned that I’d be sharing family activities with you. One thing I have a ton of pride in is my family. My husband and I have worked our tails off to get where we are today. I was just reflecting on some horrible times in our life, realizing that I was a terrible wife or mom because I was just living in zombie mode trying to survive what felt like an apocalyptic lifestyle. 

After a ton of personal growth, fighting through turmoil with work, and cutting out toxic things from our lives, we have settled into a time where we can really focus on what matters: each other. Do I have regrets from past events and choices? Of course I do, but I know I wouldn’t have this connection with my husband or kids if I didn’t have the failures I’ve had. 

With that being said, we stay a close knit family through some of the following activities. I’m not as young as I once was, so beware: stretching may be required in some instances! I don’t think these have age restrictions either. We’re only as old as we act, and these can definitely keep you young at heart.

  1. Nerf Gun Battles – There’s nothing like gearing up with your styrofoam ammo ready to take on your opponents’ spongy bullets. Whether you’re playing as teams or every man for himself, there are always guaranteed laughs during this activity. If you’re not into shooting each other, you can always do challenges, like who can get the most darts inside a hula hoop, or set up a can and see who can knock it down in the least amounts of shots. Please be sure to wear safety gear, especially eyewear. Don’t underestimate the speed of a nerf bullet.

  2. Hide and Seek – The creativity is endless with this game, and the giggles are the best sounds ever. I suddenly become a contortionist just to squeeze in places no one will find me. Word of caution if you have dogs—they’ll give you up in a heartbeat.

  3. Game Night – No matter what the game is, there’s nothing like a calm night around the dining room table. Ok, calm may not be the word when it’s our family because things can get pretty intense, but a little friendly competition totally builds the bond between family members.

  4. Camping (or Glamping if you have a camper) – If you aren’t in the position to have a camper, there are many places to go tenting for almost nothing. This activity alone offers so many other things you wouldn’t typically do at home, including relaxing! If you’re looking for completely free ideas, you can get away by just camping out in your front yard or on your porch.

  5. Movie Night – My husband was literally in the process of remodeling our last house’s basement to make it a movie theatre when I told him we were pregnant. He looked at me and said, “Well, I guess this just turned into a play room.” He has patiently waited for his man cave for eight years, but he finally made it happen. We get to reap the benefits of his theatre as a family. Especially with Covid, we make our own movie nights, popping popcorn, making a “concession stand” with snacks and drinks, and cuddling up with a family friendly flick.

  6. Mario Kart – Of course there are a ton of other Nintendo games and gaming systems, but this is the only game we all can agree on. It gets pretty intense when we’re neck and neck trying to cross the finish line. Sometimes we battle each other or we play on the same team. 

My second favorite game to play with the kids is Just Dance. My husband won’t partake in this one, but he likes to laugh at us busting moves.

  1. Olympic Games – We started this when we were shut down for the pandemic. Since we had a lot of time at home, we thought we’d make it more fun with our own Olympics due to the cancellation of the real ones. Check out some of our adventures on my YouTube channel.

  2. Swimming – If you’re lucky to have a pool, swimming can be a great family activity. We make competitions with jumps and who can hold their breath the longest. If you don’t have your own pool or it’s not summer, you can go to your local YMCA or athletic club or even a hotel. These are not free, but going to a hotel for a night can change up the mundane routine at home. (I personally wouldn’t do this during COVID, but hopefully we’ll see the end of this thing soon!)

  3. Family Fire – I absolutely love sitting by the campfire. We roast marshmallows and hotdogs and enjoy the kids running around like crazy. We can spend hours just being outside, and this can be during three of the four seasons. 

If you’re fortunate enough to have a fireplace in your house, it’s also nice to sit and stay warm while just hanging out. When you sit around without a TV on, you actually have to talk to each other!

  1. Ride Bikes or Take Walks – One of my favorite smells is the changing from winter to spring. Walking outside when the snow is melting, the sun is shining, and the birds are chirping makes me so happy. I love to watch the kids run ahead, laughing, while I enjoy the smells of budding trees and a hint of rain.

If we don’t go on a walk, we bike. We live on a mountain without sidewalks, so for safety purposes, we drive to our local high school parking lot with our bikes. We then go around the neighborhood since this is a much safer option. We have Rails to Trails, too, which takes longer, so you’ll need to plan for a full morning or afternoon. Riding the trails in the fall is almost as nice as walking in the early spring.

  1. Bake or Cook – You have to make dinner anyway, so why not include the family? If the kids are too young to actually handle the ingredients, they can set the table or fill water glasses.

I am not a baking master, but my kids love to make cookies and cupcakes. They have cookbooks that have kid-friendly recipes, so even I can handle making these goodies. Then, of course, enjoying them together is the best part!

  1. Chores – Now you might be thinking, “Who would want to make this a family activity?” but we have found that our house gets tidied up so much quicker when we blast music, set timers, and race each other. My kids like to create lists of what they have to do and check them off. They feel productive and proud when they’re done, our house is much cleaner, and the adults didn’t do all of the work! Win!

  2. Play with Your Pets – This seems like such a silly idea, but when’s the last time you included your animals in a family activity? I’m not talking just on a walk, but actually playing. We’ve been into trying to teach our dogs tricks, which is hysterical. They’re so goofy, but it’s been neat to see them succeed. The kids take the lead, but we help with commands and positive reinforcement.

  3. Puzzles – This is a calming activity, but you also have the option to make it super easy and enjoyable or challenging, depending on the puzzle you pick. 

We leave this out on our coffee table, but we also have a puzzle mat that allows us to roll it up and move it. I didn’t think they’d work, but it’s crazy how they do! One thing I can’t stand, though, when we keep the puzzle out is when my family waits until I have almost all of the puzzle done as I work on it over the next few days, and then they swoop in at the last minute trying to put the final pieces in!

  1. Spa Night – My daughter and I have our own Spa Days by doing hair and nails, but we’ve also done family spa nights. The kids get in their swimsuits and play in the tub with bubbles. I put relaxing spa music on and bring them sparkling water with fruit in “fancy cups” (wine glasses). When they’re done, I rub their feet with lotion and do their hair. 

  2. Fishing – This is more of an activity for my husband and kids, but as long as I don’t have to touch the dead fish, I’m in. I really just like to go and watch them have fun talking to their dad and sharing stories. When they catch a fish, it is so joyful to watch their excitement reeling it in and holding it up for a picture. 

When we catch fish to eat, they learn how to filet it (or “butcher it” as my 7-year-old calls it). They then cook it on the stove using an old family recipe.

My kids also go hunting with their dad, but I refuse to take part in that activity. I don’t understand how sitting in the freezing cold and not talking or moving and having no access to plumbing is fun. My family does eat all of the meat they kill, so we do not do it just for sport. My kids are very understanding that if you kill it, it feeds us and does not go to waste.

  1. Sled Riding or Building Snow Forts – Although this is seasonal, when you live in Pennsylvania, you can do this about five months of the year (wink). It’s pretty typical that we get a lot of snow, so when we do, I take off work at least one day to spend it playing outside. I love sled riding the most, but my kids call me a professional snow furniture builder. My husband plows huge piles for them to make a fort, and I mold chairs and couches for them out of the snow.

  2. Go on a 4-Wheeler Ride – This activity isn’t free if you don’t have an ATV, but if you do, go out as a family! Our kids have a RZR, and I ride on the back of our 4-wheeler while my husband drives. Sometimes I’ll drive the RZR with a passenger and the other kid goes behind their dad, depending on the terrain. The nice thing about this activity is an ATV can be used year round. There’s not much thought that goes into riding around, but it is very fun. Please always use caution, wear a helmet, and teach your children all safety rules before letting them drive.

  3. Read Together – The easiest time for us to do this is bedtime. We are currently reading The Boxcar Children series, and I had no idea how many of those books there are!! The kids are into chapter books right now, and I usually do the reading. My oldest likes to read to us sometimes. My youngest is just getting the hang of reading, so we also have him read some simpler books to us, and that makes him proud and more confident. No matter what you’re reading, snuggle up and enjoy. This is one of the most memorable family activities that I have from my childhood, and I’m sure your kids will feel the same way in years to come.

I know there are so many other activities you can do as a family, but these are just some of our favorites. They cost little to no money, and they truly allow you to actually spend time with one another, talking and bonding.

It’s never too late to bring your family together. I hope you try one of these activities! Leave a comment, and let me know what your favorite thing to spend time with your loved ones is.